Freeze Dried Beef: Could It Really Be That Good?

That’s why freeze-dried beef is one of the best additions to your food storage–it contains protein, zinc, iron, and vitamin B, giving you long-lasting energy so you can take care of yourself and your family.

Did you know that cortisol (a stress hormone) contributes to the accelerated breakdown of protein? When you think of a situation where you would need to use your emergency food storage, a stressful situation probably comes to mind–whether it is a natural disaster or a loss of income. 

So what do you need most in a stressful situation to make sure your body and mind are operating at an optimal level? Protein. 

That’s where freeze-dried beef comes in. Freeze-dried beef is a powerhouse of protein, zinc, iron, and vitamin B. This versatile food storage staple is an absolute must for anyone wanting to prepare for an emergency. You’ve probably heard that freeze-dried beef isn’t good, that it takes a lot of water to rehydrate, or that it’s not worth the money. But none of these myths are true, and we want to help you better understand the process of freeze-drying and rehydrating beef, along with a huge variety of recipes you can use it in. Trust us, you’ll be thrilled you have hearty freeze-dried beef for everyday use and in emergencies.  

What You Need To Know About Freeze-Dried Beef

First, we have to clarify the difference between freeze-dried beef and dehydrated beef. Dehydrated beef is beef jerky–delicious, lightweight, tons of flavor variety, and nutritious–but not great for cooking. Dehydrated beef is made by heating the beef to the point where most of the moisture is removed completely. Humans have been dehydrating meat for as long as they’ve been hunting, using the sun, fires, and ovens to preserve the meat.  

Freeze-dried beef is very different. It requires more expensive equipment and is a relatively new technology invented in 1906. When your freeze dry beef it freezes the food at an extremely cold temperature (between 20 and 40 degrees below zero), and then a vacuum is formed around the food. Once the vacuum is in place, the temperature is slowly raised. This causes sublimation, a process in which frozen liquids (the water in the meat that was frozen) are converted to vapor without going through a liquid phase. This helps the meat maintain its basic shape, and when you add water back to the meat the water goes into the empty spaces and makes it basically the same as it was the day it was freeze-dried. The process makes freeze-drying beef the best practice for making food that will be easy to use in multiple recipes.  

Beef is usually cooked before it is freeze-dried, but not seasoned. This makes it easy to prepare and gives you many options for different recipes. As with any food storage, picking food that you will actually eat is key. So consider what spices and sides you’d like to combine with your freeze-dried beef. We recommend having the basic spices for all your food storage. You should also consider the best way to make the freeze-dried meat a complete meal by adding carbs, vitamins, and minerals. 

Can You Use Freeze-Dried Beef For Regular Beef?

Yes! This is why freeze-drying is one of the best methods for food storage. Freeze-drying food literally freezes the food in its current state, making it perfect for cooking in both an emergency and non-emergency situations. Depending on how much water you have, you can rehydrate your beef with a 1:1 ratio, but some avid freeze-dried beef fans say that a higher ratio of water to beef helps make the beef’s taste and texture even better. Again, in an emergency situation, preserving water will likely be a concern, which is why it’s beneficial to use a 1:1 ratio. In everyday use, HIbernate’s Freeze Dried Beef is best prepared by pouring boiling water over the beef, letting it sit for 5 minutes, and then draining the excess water.  

Our favorite freeze-dried beef recipes are those that also use dehydrated vegetables and grains, giving you a well-rounded meal. Obviously, a beef stew complete with freeze-dried vegetables is an easy, flavorful, and nutritionally dense meal that warms you from the inside out. If you want to venture into beef stroganoff, freeze-dried beef makes that meal a breeze in everyday life or in an emergency. Add fresh peppers and onions from your garden and homemade tortillas, and you can enjoy beef fajitas that will keep you full and provide tons of nutrition. You won’t even notice the difference between regular and freeze-dried beef!

If you want to venture into beef stroganoff, freeze-dried beef makes that meal a breeze in everyday life or in an emergency.

5 Myths About Freeze Dried Beef

Myth #1: Freeze-dried beef is beef jerky.

The process for freeze-drying beef and dehydrating beef is not the same and those methods yield different results. Freeze-dried beef is light and fluffy with room for water to re-enter the beef, where beef jerky has been heated to the point where there is no room for water, and it’s chewy and tough. 

Myth #2: Freeze-dried beef tastes bad.

Nope! As with anything, how you prepare it matters. Add spices and fats like oil and butter. Cook it thoroughly, and you’ll find that it tastes the same as non-freeze dried beef. 

Myth #3: Freeze-dried meat requires tons of water to rehydrate.

A 1:1 ratio is sufficient to rehydrate the beef, especially if you give the beef enough time to absorb the water.  

Myth #4: Freeze-dried beef is a waste of money.

It’s true that freeze-dried beef (like all beef) is more expensive than other food. However, it packs a punch when it comes to nutrition density, which is crucial in an emergency situation. Because of the nutritional density, you don’t need to eat a lot of freeze-dried beef to get the nutrition and calories your body needs. 

Myth #5: Freeze-dried beef doesn’t last as long as other food storage.

Freeze-dried beef can last up to 25 years when stored properly, giving you plenty of time to eat it in daily life or use it in an emergency. 

Freeze-Dried Beef: The Best Way To Add Protein To Your Food Storage Supply

If you’re ready for dense nutritional value, tons of recipe variety, and one of the most easily prepped food storage items, Hibernate has Freeze Dried Beef ready for you! Not only is this a powerhouse for zinc, iron, and vitamin B, but it’s also lightweight and easy to store. Every food storage enthusiast loves freeze-dried beef. It gives you the flexibility to eat something exciting every day, and it provides your loved ones with tons of energy. Don’t find yourself running on empty in a stressful situation. Make sure you have the protein you need to take care of yourself and your family by adding freeze-dried beef to your food storage today!


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